Model:embedded v.1 (CTMC)
Parameter(s)MAX_COUNT = 8, T = 12
Property:up_time (exp-reward)
Invocation (specific)
./fix-syntax ./prism -javamaxmem 11g -cuddmaxmem 4g -heuristic speed -e 1e-6 -maxiters 1000000 embedded.prism embedded.props --property up_time -const MAX_COUNT=8,T=12
Return code:0
Relative Error:2.7462204025717466e-05

Date: Sat Mar 14 13:57:29 UTC 2020
Hostname: e72bdd194fc5
Memory limits: cudd=4g, java(heap)=11g
Command line: prism -javamaxmem 11g -cuddmaxmem 4g -heuristic speed -e 1e-6 -maxiters 1000000 embedded.prism embedded.props --property up_time -const 'MAX_COUNT=8,T=12'

Parsing model file "embedded.prism"...

Type:        CTMC
Modules:     sensors proci actuators proco procm bus 
Variables:   s i a o m count comp reqi reqo 

Parsing properties file "embedded.props"...

14 properties:
(1) "actuators": P=? [ !"down" U "fail_actuators" ]
(2) "actuators_T": P=? [ !"down" U<=(T*3600) "fail_sensors" ]
(3) "danger_T": R{"danger"}=? [ C<=(T*3600) ]
(4) "danger_time": R{"danger"}=? [ F "down" ]
(5) "down_T": R{"down"}=? [ C<=(T*3600) ]
(6) "failure_T": P=? [ F<=(T*3600) "down" ]
(7) "io": P=? [ !"down" U "fail_io" ]
(8) "io_T": P=? [ !"down" U<=(T*3600) "fail_io" ]
(9) "main": P=? [ !"down" U "fail_main" ]
(10) "main_T": P=? [ !"down" U<=(T*3600) "fail_main" ]
(11) "sensors": P=? [ !"down" U "fail_sensors" ]
(12) "sensors_T": P=? [ !"down" U<=(T*3600) "fail_sensors" ]
(13) "up_T": R{"up"}=? [ C<=(T*3600) ]
(14) "up_time": R{"up"}=? [ F "down" ]


Model checking: "up_time": R{"up"}=? [ F "down" ]
Model constants: MAX_COUNT=8

Warning: Switching to sparse engine and (backwards) Gauss Seidel (default for heuristic=speed).

Building model...
Model constants: MAX_COUNT=8

Computing reachable states...

Reachability (BFS): 21 iterations in 0.01 seconds (average 0.000714, setup 0.00)

Time for model construction: 0.033 seconds.

Type:        CTMC
States:      8548 (1 initial)
Transitions: 36041

Rate matrix: 1819 nodes (9 terminal), 36041 minterms, vars: 16r/16c

Diagonals vector: 841 nodes (69 terminal), 8548 minterms
Embedded Markov chain: 14290 nodes (309 terminal), 36041 minterms

Prob0: 2 iterations in 0.01 seconds (average 0.005000, setup 0.00)

Prob1: 1 iterations in 0.00 seconds (average 0.000000, setup 0.00)

goal = 5884, inf = 0, maybe = 2664

Computing remaining rewards...
Engine: Sparse

Building sparse matrix... [n=8548, nnz=13628, compact] [62.8 KB]
Creating vector for diagonals... [dist=5, compact] [16.7 KB]
Creating vector for RHS... [dist=20, compact] [16.9 KB]
Allocating iteration vector... [66.8 KB]
TOTAL: [163.2 KB]

Starting iterations...

Backwards Gauss-Seidel: 345 iterations in 0.14 seconds (average 0.000339, setup 0.02)

Value in the initial state: 477.53925894290313

Time for model checking: 0.067 seconds.

Result: 477.53925894290313 (value in the initial state)

Overall running time: 0.675 seconds.


Note: There was 1 warning during computation.